Site Plans for Tree Removal Permits

site plan for tree removals


Most areas view trees as valuable resources and regulate their removal in some way, shape, or form – even if you are removing a tree that is on your own property.

Because of this, if you need to remove a tree – for whatever reason – it is incredibly important that you research what is needed in your city or township. Some places only require permits for trees over a certain size, while others regulate even the smallest trees. Certain areas limit the number of trees you can remove within a year. It is also possible that there may be laws regarding the types of trees that can and can't be removed, the reasons they can be removed, and so on.

What are you doing with your unwanted trees? Don't forget to check out My Site Plan for your next project!

In most cases, you will need a tree removal permit, which means you have to apply for it and usually pay for that application. Because of this, the last thing you want is for your permit to be denied.

How can you keep this from happening? Something that can be quite helpful, and may be required, is to include a site plan in your tree removal permit application.

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Can You Remove a Tree Yourself?

If the tree is small, you might be able to remove it by yourself. In some cases, you don't even need a ladder. However, for those bigger trees, you will want to contact a professional for advice. 

Can I Remove a Tree from My Front Yard?

While you can remove those smaller trees, some of them in a front yard might need special permission. Depending on your town, community, or HOA, you could be required to purchase a permit to remove them from these spaces. 

With that, you might be asking yourself, "do I need permission to remove a tree?" That will all depend on your local regulations and requirements in this community. 

How Much Does It Cost To Cut Down a Large Tree?

When it comes time to cut down a large tree, the prices can vary. However, you can expect to spend from $400 to $1,200 for this removal project on average. Several factors can play into the price, such as tree species, height, and licensing requirements. If you want to hire a professional company to complete the cleanup, landscaping, and stump removal, you can expect some extra costs.

For those do-it-yourselfers, the costs could be less. You might only have to pay to rent the equipment and a company to haul away the debris

a side view of a cut tree trunk

How Do You Get Rid of Unwanted Trees?

Besides cutting down the tree, there are several ways to remove an unwanted tree on your property. These tips will only work for those smaller trees. You can always hack down the tree and use a brand-name weed killer on the tree trunk. Some property owners will use a reciprocating hand saw to cut around the truck. This process is known as tree girdling. Another method involves Epsom salt. This method involves sprinkling the salt around the tree. It is considered a more environmentally friendly manner than those other methods. 

Which Trees Cannot Be Cut Without the Approval of the Government?

These trees will vary by region or community. In many cases, some species are considered a "heritage" variety, and you will need special permission to remove them from your property. 

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When Should a Tree Be Cut Down?

So when can you remove a tree? If the tree looks diseased, it may be time to remove it from your property. In some cases, these trees can infect other trees in your yard. Another time to remove a tree is if it has suffered damage from a storm. Often, the branches are broken or the tree has been split in half. You want to remove them to prevent any further damage to your yard or building structures. 

Do I Need To Remove My Tree?

As mentioned before, you want to remove a tree if it poses a risk to the safety of your home or can infect other trees on your property

Why Do Trees Need To Be Removed?

There are several reasons to remove a tree. For example, you already know that they are removed for safety reasons. However, some trees are removed to help preserve the structure of a home. The roots can start to grow underneath the structure. In some cases, the branches are posing a risk to the roof. You will want to remove these trees in those situations. 

Climate control can play another role in the decision to remove the tree. An overlapping tree can create spots with mildew and mold. If those areas are beginning to become a problem, it could be time to get rid of the tree. Finally, aesthetics are another reason to remove a tree. Some trees can start to look scraggly and don't fit into a home's landscaping design. With that, you will want to remove them from your property. 

Whose Responsibility Is It To Cut Overhanging Tree Branches?

If you notice a neighbor's tree branch hanging over your property line, you have the right to cut down the branch. This situation has been brought into the court system, and the homeowner has a right to be protected from an invasion of branches and tree limbs by the adjoining property owner

Can I Throw My Neighbors Branches Back?

This will depend on your local ordinances and regulations. You can throw the branches back onto your neighbor's property in many cases, but remember that can lead to hostile relations with the other person. 

What Time of Year Is Best To Cut Down Trees?

Unless you have a serious problem with the tree, you will want to remove the tree in the dormant season, such as the early spring or late winter. 

a side view of a cut tree trunk

The Value of a Site Plan for Tree Removal Permits

A professionally-created site plan from My Site Plan will allow the authority which regulates tree removal permits in your area to "see" the impact of removing the tree by showing them where the tree is located and what is around it. Depending on the level of detail you want, this may include permanent structures nearby, pathways and driveways, landscaping features (including other trees), streets, signage, and easements.

By providing this information, you both offer a "picture" of what the property will look like without the tree in question and show that you have put thought and effort into your request and understand the impact of removing the tree.

While we cannot guarantee that your tree removal permit will be granted, we absolutely do guarantee that our site plan will be accepted unless it requires a stamp from an architect, engineer, or surveyor. In our more than two decades of creating site plans, we have never had a site plan denied for an over-the-counter permit.

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How to Get Started with My Site Plan

Before you do anything else, reach out to whoever is in charge of tree removal in your area. You should be able to find out with nothing more than a quick Google search. After you know what the requirements are, you have to pick the plan you want from us and add in whatever details you need.

Within 24 hours, your site plan will be ready, and you can move on to the next step: applying for the tree removal permit.

Are you looking for the right plan to start your tree removal process? Visit My Site Plan to get started on your next project!
