If you want to start a construction project on your residential or commercial property, it is likely you will need to apply for a permit. And, while specific rules vary from location to location, one common requirement to obtain that permit is a residential or commercial site plan.
What exactly is a site plan? The most basic explanation is that it is a detailed, true-to-scale drawing of the property that includes dimensions, current permanent structures and elements, as well as your proposed additions.
Often, residential and commercial site plans can run you $1,000 or more. But at MySitePlan, our experienced professionals are able to create high-quality site plans for a fraction of that cost. Your actual price will depend upon how detailed you need the site plan to be, which will vary depending on your specific construction project and whether it is a residential or commercial property.
What Is Needed for Residential Site Plans
Residential Site Plan
While your needs may vary depending on what you are building and the specific requirements of your area, there are several things commonly included for residential site plans across the board:
- Property Lines
Primary Structures (the house, as well as attached decks, patios, etc.)
Major Landscaping (trees, larger bushes, flower beds)
Accurate Measurements and Dimensions (both measurements of various elements as well as the distance between them)
- North Arrow
- Scale
Your site plan may also need to include any existing pools, driveways, pathways, landscaping, and accessory structures, particularly if they will be impacted by your construction project.
What Is Needed for Commercial Site Plans
Commercial site plans, as you might imagine, tend to be a bit more complicated. Generally speaking, they start with the above requirements and add things such as:
- Parking
- Surrounding Streets
Signs and Lights (stop lights, street signs, and ground signs – i.e. if “Stop” is painted onto the street at an intersection)
Easements (utility easements, sewer lines, right-of-ways, etc.)
- Fire Hydrants
MySitePlan Offers Multiple Plans to Suit Your Needs
As you can see, it’s easily possible for one site plan to be far more robust than another. Because of this, we offer three different site plan levels as well as hourly pricing for custom work.
What’s right for you? Check with the local office in charge of building and construction in your area to learn what the requirements are. Our site plans are accepted by building departments around the country, unless your local office requires a stamp from an architect for your project. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Once you are ready, simply select the plan you want and add in the details you need. And that’s it. You will have your new plan within 24 hours, so you can get started on the next phase of your project.