Everything You Need To Know About House Framing

Everything You Need To Know About House Framing

For many people, getting a house is one of the most significant steps in their lives. It’s an important part of building their future and settling down.

Other people have the same idea, except they want to build their houses from the ground up. To them, there’s no point living in a place that someone previously owned. They’d rather build a space that exactly meets their needs.

It’s not that much more costly, and you’ll learn some valuable skills along the way. The builders that you hire will be able to answer all of your questions. However, you should be prepared with some knowledge before you start the process.

Building a home from scratch may be a stressful process, so today, we’ll teach you about house framing to alleviate some of that stress. You’ll be able to relax knowing your home is being built to your liking. 

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What is Framing?

The frame is essentially the house’s skeleton before adding all the wall coverings and outer plaster. Builders will ensure that the house’s structure has a solid foundation before moving on to the next step. 

The most common material used for building houses is wood. The reason for this is because wood materials are often cheaper than steel, concrete, and brick. They’re also easy to find. You can choose the materials you want to use, but remember to consider the cost.

Depending on the type of design you want, builders may use different methods to build your house. Here are some house framing methods:

Balloon Framing

This framing method was popular from the 1800s to the mid-1900s. Builders used balloon framing to build two-story houses. It was a cheap and efficient way to get homes built quicker. 

Long pieces of wood are nailed to the foundation of the house. They extended up to the second story of the house. Due to its simplicity, this made it easy for anyone to build a home. 

However, a significant downside to balloon framing was the risk of fire. Due to the length of the house, fires can spread more quickly

There are times when a specific part of your house may need to use an aspect of balloon framing. Make sure that you’re okay with that being done. If not, see if the builders can accommodate your request.

Platform Framing

With the well-known risk of balloon framing, platform framing came into fruition. It’s the most common type of framing used for building houses today. 

Like balloon framing, platform framing utilizes wood for building. However, the difference is that platform framing uses short pieces of lumber. Platform framing also allows for each story of the house to be built individually.

Want to upgrade your bathroom? Check out My Site Plan for layout ideas!

Also, because platform framing uses shorter lumber pieces, fires won’t spread quickly. This gives you an excellent safety net if something does go wrong.

Timber Framing

A build using platform framing


One of the oldest methods of framing, timber framing, is still used for some builds today. There is no use for nails and screws because intricate pieces of wood are used for houses that utilize this method.

If you want to have a house built using this method, be prepared to spend top dollar. Timber framing is expensive because the pieces of wood used may not always be available to purchase. 

You’ll also need to hire a house wright to make sure that your lumber pieces fit together properly. Timber framing is one of the sturdiest builds out there, but the cost might be a deciding factor.

If you’re considering the framing you’ll choose to build your dream home, it’s time to figure who will help you draw up those floorplans. It’s always better to get your ideas down on paper, and My Site Plan can help you do so.

Related: Ultimate Guide To Creating the Perfect Site Plan for Your New Home

My Site Plan

My Site Plan specializes in building, you guessed it, site plans. They’re experts in the field that have great reviews from customers who used them to build businesses and homes.

They’ll also work with you to make sure that you get everything you need for your home. Here’s what working with them is like:

  • First, you’ll order one of their affordable site plans.
  • Next, you’ll give them some information regarding where the plot will be. It will enable them to have a rough idea of the dimensions of the project.
  • A designer is given the project and starts drafting what your house will look like.
  • AutoCAD is used to ensure your home is designed how you want it to be. This helps with the development of the project.
  • Lastly, your site plan is given to you through email in PDF format. You’ll be able to see the dimensions of your dream home.

My Site Plan will also adjust your dream home design for free if you want something changed.

Are you feeling cramped in your house? Visit My Site Plan for tips on how to add more space to your home!

Time To Build Your Dream Home

Floor plan for a home


You now know the basics of house framing, so think about the type of build you want to go with. Once you do that, contact My Site Plan to get started on building your dream home.

The house you’ve always wanted is within your reach. It’s time to make your dream home a reality.

Related: How Much Does It Cost To Build A House

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  • Ryan Crownholm